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Shelley Pacholok
Assistant Professor
Currently on leavePhone: 250.807.8707
Email: shelley.pacholok@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Gender; families; work; disaster.
Courses & Teaching
Gender; work; families; social inequality; qualitative methods.
PhD, Ohio State University
Selected Publications & Presentations
Pacholok, S. Into the Fire: Disaster and the Remaking of Gender. 2013. University of Toronto Press. 176 pages.
Napolitano, L., Pacholok, S., Furstenberg, F. 2013. “Caught in the Middle: Educational Aspirations, Expectations, and Realities for Middle-Income Families in the United States”. Journal of Family Issues. Published online first March 6, 2013. 27 pages.
Pacholok, S. 2012. “Interviewing Elite Men: Feminist Reflections on Studying ‘Up’ and Selling Out” Book chapter in Researching Amongst Elites, eds. Aguiar, L., Schneider, C. Ashgate Press. Pp. 199-215.
Parsons, J., Pacholok, S., Snape, T., Gauthier, A. 2012. “Trying to Do More With Less: The Mothering Experiences of Middle-Income Mothers”. Families, Relationships, and Societies. 1(3): 361-377.
Pacholok, S., Gauthier, A. 2010. “Non-Participant Fathers in Time-Use Studies: Uninvolved or Data Artifact?” Social Indicators Research 96(2):249-266.
Pacholok, S. 2009. “Gendered Strategies of Self: Navigating Hierarchy and Contesting Masculinities”. Gender, Work and Organization 16(4): 471-500.Reprinted 2011 in The Gendered Society Reader, Second Canadian Edition. Michael Kimmel, Amy Aronson and Amy Kaler, editors. Oxford University Press.
Curry, T., Jarosch, J., Pacholok, S. 2005. “Are Direct-To-Consumer Advertisements of Prescription Drugs Educational?: Comparing 1992 to 2002.” Journal of Drug Education 35(3):217-232.
Fedick, C., Pacholok, S.,Gauthier, A. 2005. “Methodological Issues Related to the Measurement of Parental Time.” electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 2(1):67-87.
Pacholok, S., Gauthier, A. 2004. “A Tale of Dual-Earner Families in Four Countries.” Pp. 197-223. Book chapter in Family Time: The Social Organization of Care edited by Nancy Folbre and Michael Bittman. New York: Routledge.