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Department of History and Sociology
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of British Columbia Okanagan
1147 Research Road
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7

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Luis Aguiar | Associate Professor | Sociology | | 250.807.9346 | ART 316

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: The globalization of the "Justice for Janitors" campaigns; global unions; Eddie Melo: What were you? The Neoliberal University; whiteness; the Canadian Hinterland.
Courses & Teaching: Globalization and labour; urban sociology; sociology of tourism; race and racism; qualitative methods; urban studies.
Piotr (Peter) Ahmad | Lecturer | Sociology | | ART 273
Research Interests: Sociology of identity, ethnic and political identities, national identity and citizenship, nationalism, political and social theory, sovereignty and Indigenous sovereignty, theory of cultural and minority rights.
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to sociology, political sociology, social inequality (UBCO); in the past: global politics.
Bonar Buffam | Associate Professor | Sociology | | 250.807.9223 | ART 306

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Race and empire; crime and punishment; socio-legal studies; religion and secularity; urban geographies; social and cultural theory.
Courses & Teaching: SOCI 209: Foundations of Sociological Thought (Term 1); SOCI 496D: True Crime Sociology (Term 1); SOCI 377: Contemporary Sociological Theory (Term 2); SOCI 496N: Sociology of Religion (Term 2)
Todd Campbell | Lecturer | History | | 250.807.9387 | ART 244
Margaret Carlyle | Assistant Professor | History | | ART 247

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: History of medicine, science, & technology; history of reproduction and the life sciences; gender and women's studies; history of the body; material culture & medical technologies; medical science and race in the French Atlantic world.
Courses & Teaching: HIST 118: History of Science, Medicine, and Technology From Antiquity, HIST 218: Science and Empire, HIST 308: The Scientific Revolution, HIST 310A: Reproduction & Motherhood (1700–present), HIST 373: History of Race, Gender, & Science in the Atlantic World, HIST 374: History of Science and the Enlightenment, HIST 375: History of Pandemics, HIST 460A: History of Reproductive Technologies, HIST 475A: History of the Body (1500–1900), HIST 495A: History of the Body—Medicine, Religion, Law (1500–1900), HIST 492/IGS 592: History, Theory, & Method. Undergraduate Honours, Graduate Student Supervision: I supervise undergraduate/graduate/postdoctoral research.
Lesley Cormack | Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor | History | | ADM 102
Research Interests: History of science, history of geography, mathematics, early modern England
Agnieszka Doll | Assistant Professor | Sociology | | 250.807.8075 | ART 311
Research Interests: Nexus of psychiatry and law; socio-legal studies of the everyday life of law; institutional ethnography; science, technology, and regulation; expert knowledge; regulatory spaces and pharmaceutical governance, psychedelics and drug policy, feminist and qualitative methodologies.
Courses & Teaching: Science, Technology, and Medicine, Introduction to Sociology, Law and Gender, Health Law, Qualitative and Ethnographic Research, Institutional Ethnography
Ruth Frost | Associate Professor | History | | 250.807.9407 | ART 248
Research Interests: Late medieval English urban history.
Francois Gauthier | Lecturer | History, Languages and World Literatures | | ART 244
Research Interests: History of the Roman Republic; financing of the Roman army; socio-economic organization of the Roman army; political culture; taxation.
Courses & Teaching: HIST 110 Survey of the Ancient World; HIST 203 The Roman Empire; HIST 302 Classical Greece and the Mediterranean World; HIST 303 The Hellenistic World from the Mediterranean to India; HIST 304 The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic; WRLD 310 Mythologies in Motion; WRLD 351 The Ancient Mediterranean World in Cinema and Literature; HIST/WRLD 353 Ancient Mediterranean Science and Technology; LATN 300 Intensive Introduction to Latin.
Anmol Grewal | Department Administrative Assistant | History, Sociology | | 250.807.8161 | ART 323
Catherine Higgs | Professor | History | | 250.807.9978 | LM4 636

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Southern Africa; Portuguese Africa; Atlantic World; activism; politics; labor; agriculture; policy.
Courses & Teaching: Africa (commodities, cities, imperialism and decolonization); Southern and South Africa; British and Portuguese colonialism; political history; women's history; contemporary world history.
James Hull | Associate Professor Emeritus | History |
Research Interests: History of the Second Industrial Revolution as an historical phenomenon, as an historical concept, and as an historiographic problem; understanding how and why technology changes.
Courses & Teaching: History of science and technology; industrialization.
Mary Ann Murphy | Associate Professor | Social Work, Sociology | | 250.807.8705 | ART 153

Graduate student supervisor

Courses & Teaching: Constitutional/Charter Litigation & Social Policy Policy and Practice Issues Affecting an Older Population Social Policy and Comparative Family Policy Social Welfare Law and Human Rights: International Human Rights & Aging Aging/Gerontological Social Work Intergenerational Relationships Visual Sociology
Sajjad Nejatie | Assistant Professor | History | | ART 263
Research Interests: Islam in Asia; The Persianate World; Historiography; Narrative Theory; Migration; Tribalism; Ethnic Identity; Empire and State Formation and Nationalism.
Courses & Teaching: HIST 160 – Introduction to Asian History; HIST 396 – History of South Asia; HIST 495 – Special Topics: History of Afghanistan
Ben Nilson | Department Head, Associate Professor | History | | 250.807.9327 | ART 314
Research Interests: Popular religion and social history of the Middle Ages.
Courses & Teaching: History of Medieval Europe; early modern England. Specifically: HIST 110 Survey of the Ancient World; HIST 119 Medieval Europe; HIST 201 Religion in the West; HIST 325 Europe in 1215; HIST 324 Tudor England, 1485-1603; HIST 344 Stuart England, 1603-1714; HIST 413 Reformation Europe; HIST 414 Medieval England
Colin Osmond | Assistant Professor | History | | 250.807.8862 | ART 269
Research Interests: Indigenous History; Community-Engaged History; Settler Colonialism; Ethnohistory; Environmental History; Labour History; Public History
Courses & Teaching: HIST 300: History of Indigenous Peoples of Canada to 1876; HIST 301: History of Indigenous Peoples of Canada Since 1876; HIST 383A: Canadian Settler Colonialism
Doug Owram | Professor Emeritus | History |
Research Interests: Post-Confederation Canadian history, with a specialization in intellectual, social and economic history.
Courses & Teaching: Canadian foreign policy; Canadian intellectual history; post 45 Canada.
Shelley Pacholok (On Leave) | Assistant Professor | Sociology | | 250.807.8707
Research Interests: Gender; families; work; disaster.
Courses & Teaching: Gender; work; families; social inequality; qualitative methods.
Ondine Park | Assistant Professor | Sociology | | 250.807.8684 | ART 307
Research Interests: Cultural environmental sociology; suburban imaginary; theories of space and spatialization; social and cultural theory; seasonal sociology; aesthetic sociology
Courses & Teaching: Environmental sociology courses including Sociology of the Anthropocene, Sociology of Food; introductory sociology
Tim Paulson | Assistant Professor | History | | 250.807.8588 | ART 245

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Canadian history; environmental history; economic history; history of capitalism.
Courses & Teaching: Environmental history; Canadian history; North American history; world history.
Peter Russell | Associate Professor Emeritus | History | | 250.807.9365 | ART 245
Research Interests: Canadian social and political history.
Deana Simonetto | Assistant Professor | Sociology | | 250.807.8688 | ART 310

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Gender, Health and Sport, Qualitative Methods, Self and Identity, Symbolic Interaction, Deviance and Social Problems, Social Media.
Courses & Teaching: Sociology of gender, sociology of sport, introduction to sociology, qualitative methods.
Emily Snyder | Associate Professor | Sociology | | ART 315
Research Interests: Socio-legal studies; social inequalities; gender, sexuality, and law; HIV criminalization; Indigenous laws and legal issues; connections between health and law.
Courses & Teaching: Fundamentals of Sociological Research; Sexuality, Law, and Society; Social Inequality; Feminist Theory
Jessica Stites Mor | Professor | History | | 250.807.9655 | ART 242

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Transnational solidarity movements; politics and culture of the left; history of cinema.
Courses & Teaching: Latin America; Global South; documentary filmmaking.
Duane Thomson | Professor Emeritus | History |
Research Interests: British Columbia history, First Nations and Metis history and Okanagan history.
Patricia Tomic | Associate Professor Emerita | Sociology |
Research Interests: Politics of language; Latin American immigration to Canada; feminism; Chile; the Okanagan.
Courses & Teaching: Sociological theory; sociology of education; feminism.
Ricardo Trumper | Associate Professor Emeritus | Sociology |
Research Interests: Latin America; neoliberalism; racism.
Courses & Teaching: Sociology of development; sociology of fear; political sociology; Latin America; racism.
Peter Urmetzer | Associate Professor Emeritus | Sociology | | ART 315
Research Interests: Economic sociology; particularly globalization and free trade; how non-economic factors, such as values and culture, influence economic decision making.
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to sociology; Canadian society; political economy; survey methods.
Julien Vernet | Associate Professor | History | | 250.807.9326 | ART 240
Research Interests: United States history.
Courses & Teaching: United States; French Americas.
Barbara Wilke | Senior Assistant | History, Sociology | | 250.807.9335 | ART 313
Maurice Williams | Professor Emeritus | History |
Research Interests: National Socialism in Central Europe; the Kettle Valley Railway in the Okanagan Valley.
Courses & Teaching: Early modern and modern Europe; German and Habsburg history; great power diplomacy in 20th century; the Kettle Valley Railway.
Mike Zajko | Assistant Professor | Sociology | | 250.807.9896 | ART 308

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Governance; internet policy; security; social media.
Courses & Teaching: Social theory; criminology; surveillance studies; quantitative methods; introductory sociology.

For Graduate Student profiles, see the College of Graduate Studies website.