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Research Summary
Islam in Asia; The Persianate World; Historiography; Narrative Theory; Migration; Tribalism; Ethnic Identity; Empire and State Formation and Nationalism.
Courses & Teaching
HIST 160 – Introduction to Asian History; HIST 396 – History of South Asia; HIST 495 – Special Topics: History of Afghanistan
PhD, University of Toronto
MA, University of Toronto
BA, York University
Research Interests & Projects
Sajjad Nejatie specializes in the sociopolitical and cultural history of the early modern Persianate world—i.e., the vast territory of Eurasia stretching from Turkey in the west to Central Asia and India in the east that was historically defined by Persian culture. Within the broader field of Persianate studies, his research focuses on the process of empire- and state-building in the eastern Islamicate world, how the activities and ideologies of early modern polities in this region are commemorated in the historiography, and the ways in which pre-modern histories are re-imagined and re-presented in modern nationalist discourses.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Nejatie, Sajjad. “Proto-Nationalism in Early Modern Iran and Afghanistan.” In The Idea of Iran. Vol. 11, The Contest for Rule in Eighteenth-Century Iran, edited by Charles P. Melville. London: Bloomsbury, 2022.
Nejatie, Sajjad. “Reflections on the Prehistory of the Abdali Afghans,” Central Asian Survey 38, no. 4 (2019): 548–69.
Nejatie, Sajjad. “Iranian Migrations in the Durrani Empire, 1747–93,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and Middle East 37, no. 3 (2017): 494–509.