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Ondine Park
Assistant Professor
Office: ART 307Phone: 250.807.8684
Email: ondine.park@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Cultural environmental sociology; suburban imaginary; theories of space and spatialization; social and cultural theory; seasonal sociology; aesthetic sociology
Courses & Teaching
Environmental sociology courses including Sociology of the Anthropocene, Sociology of Food; introductory sociology
PhD, University of Alberta
MA, Lancaster University (UK)
BA, UBC (Vancouver)
Selected Publications & Presentations
TK Davidson and O Park, eds. 2020. Seasonal Sociology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (co-edited book)
O Park. 2019. “A Bridge in A Forest,” Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, June, Vancouver, BC. (presentation)
O Park and A Winkler. 2017, April. “De/fence.” In In Toxic: Research Creation Exhibition, curated by the Intermedia Research Studio. Edmonton: Latitude 53 gallery. (multi-media art-as-research installation)
O Park. 2016. “Home (Moving) Memory,” Transcultural: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies 8(1): 172-73. (journal article)
O Park. 2016. “Suburban Home: The Phantasmagoric Interior and the Ghostly Individual.” In Sociology of Home: Belonging, Community, and Place in the Canadian Context, ed. Gillian Anderson, Joseph G. Moore, and Laura Suski. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc. Pp. 65-85. (book chapter)
TK Davidson, O Park, and R Shields, eds. 2011. Ecologies of Affect: Placing Nostalgia, Desire, and Hope. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. (co-edited book)